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Mayhem's Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5 Page 7
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Page 7
“Averton,” Reaper said. “English, please.”
“Let her explain.” Caroline gently stroked the baby’s head. “You need more of my blood then? I don't get what that has to do with Charlotte.”
Melissa shifted and her cheeks burned. “No, I don't need more of your blood. You see, Charlotte has a mix of the blood used to create the serum. Serum that also technically runs through her own veins. It’s her blood. That’s the cure.”
Caroline gasped. Reaper’s hands turned into fists. He got up and began pacing, his body rigid.
“I hate to ask for this, but I’ve tried everything. I would do it any other way if I could.” Melissa stood up and ran her hand down the back of her head and through her hair, facing them squarely. “I need to take a sample of Charlotte’s blood to test a new serum.”
Reaper crossed to Caroline, and looked down at his daughter, still sucking on his wife’s breast happily, making cooing noises as she did. His eyes softened and he gently stroked her tiny arm with the back of his hand. He pursed his lips and exhaled through his nose.
“You promise it’ll just be a little blood? As a sample?” Reaper asked, still looking at Charlotte.
Melissa knew how hard this idea would be for the both of them. They had both been lab rats for so long, and now Melissa was asking them to bring their baby into it, too. A baby that should have come into this world with a fresh start, not be part of this twisted situation with the rest of them, trapped away with no idea what danger they were in. Melissa hated that this might have been the cure.
“I promise, and if I’m wrong I won’t ever bring it up again.” Melissa looked out the window at the huge expanse of lawn and trees. Even in the dark, the vast landscape around them was astounding. No one would have any idea that they were just outside one of the biggest cities in the country—it was perfectly secluded here. It should have been peaceful and serene.
“But what if it works?” Caroline said. “Will you have to keep taking her blood like you do to me?”
Melissa turned to face them. “I don't know. I have to test it first. If it works, I’d have to draw enough for all the men.” She sighed. “None of that matters until I test it though. Just one test to start.”
“Who are you going to test it on?” Reaper asked.
Melissa met his gaze head on. “I don’t know.”
Chapter 13
Reaper walked Melissa back to the lab in stoic silence. Melissa had almost forgotten she left Quantum with Dawson; she hoped he went back to his room by now otherwise she’d hear it from Reaper, especially after what she had just asked of him.
Sure enough when they rounded the corner, Quantum sat perched on the stool inside Dawson’s cell, and Dawson now lay on the cot—asleep.
Quantum got his feet beneath him. “Oh, hi, Captain.”
“What’s going on?” Reaper looked from Quantum to Melissa. His demeanor was cool and collected despite his narrowed eyes.
Quantum stepped toward the glass and Melissa’s eyes bulged, silently telling him to get out of there. Then, she realized he didn't have a key. She stepped forward and tapped her card against the lock pad. Quantum hobbled out.
“I’m sorry, Reaper,” Melissa said. “I told him he could stay with John. He’d just had a very bad spell and I’d given him more serum. Quantum was watching over him for me.”
“That’s not protocol.”
“He’s just gotten so bad…” Melissa trailed off. “I was worried.”
Reaper sighed and gripped the back of his neck.
“Did you move him to the cot?” She turned and spoke to Quantum now, despite them both being in Reaper’s poor graces at the moment. Quantum hadn’t been doing any training other than the physical therapy sessions with Melissa. He still used his cane to walk and hadn’t lifted anything heavy. Was he really able to get John off the floor and onto the cot while he was asleep?
“Yeah, I wanted him to be comfortable.” Quantum looked back through the glass as Dawson shifted in his sleep.
“That’s amazing progress, Quantum. Do you feel okay?”
“I’m good. Stronger.”
Reaper cleared his throat.
Melissa and Quantum both faced him.
“You can’t over-exert yourself.” Reaper locked eyes with Quantum.
Quantum nodded back. “He was partly awake, able to get his feet under himself for a moment, but it wasn't so hard. I think I’m ready for more training.”
Reaper scratched his chin, not breaking eye contact. “That’s what I like to hear.”
Then, he stepped back and surveyed the both of them again, like this wasn't the matter they truly needed to discuss.
“I really am sorry, Reaper.” Melissa’s gaze was soft. “But if I’m being honest, I went in there to tend to John tonight also. I couldn't stand the handcuffing and needing backup anymore. He needed me right away and I don't think he’s dangerous.”
“That’s up to me to decide.” Reaper crossed his arms. “We can’t have everyone on this team doing whatever they want when they want to.”
“You’re right.” Melissa nodded. Of course Reaper was right. They all had to follow his orders, but she didn't regret going to John for a second earlier. She would have done it again even if it were wrong.
Reaper blew a stream of air out. “I had been thinking about giving him more freedom to walk around down here though.”
Melissa’s eyes widened and a hopeful smile lingered on her lips without fully forming.
“I liked what I heard when we had the team meeting with him, even though he’s keeping something about Rainier to himself. He’s right, we all need to learn to trust each other again without making demands.”
Melissa nodded, trying to show slight indifference but she was bubbling on the inside.
“On a trial basis.” Reaper stepped up to the glass and looked at Dawson now. He continued to talk with his back to them. “I’m not ready to give him his own room. But, he does seem to want to be a member of the team again.”
Just then, Dawson began to stir. He slowly opened his eyes to see Melissa, Quantum, and Reaper on the other side staring back at him.
“Did I hear that I’m getting out of here?” he asked, rubbing at his temples.
Reaper nodded back. “Don’t abuse it.”
He turned back to Melissa and said, “I better get back to Caroline.” He gestured for her to walk toward the hallway with him so they could speak privately.
“I’m sorry about disobeying the rules, but thank you for your faith in him.” Melissa craned her neck to see Reaper’s face in the dark hallway.
He held a finger up. “I’ll let you know in the morning when we’re ready to draw Charlotte’s blood.”
She swallowed hard, still feeling guilty that this was the only way she could come up with, even if it wasn't like she created the DNA chain herself.
“And I’ll be the test subject for the serum when it’s ready,” Reaper said before reaching around her for the door to the stairs.
He left Melissa standing there, eyes wide, breathing shallow.
Chapter 14
“Heard you’re free,” Juarez said, making his way to the lab.
Dawson tentatively glanced up from the area outside his cell. He’d been walking back and forth for a few minutes, stretching his legs. He didn't feel able to do any heavy training yet, but he’d been more replenished the last couple days. Especially once Reaper said he could have more freedom. No one other than Melissa and Quantum had visited with him yet.
Juarez met Dawson’s contemplation with a smile. “As free as I could hope to be, I guess.”
He may have been free to roam around, but he didn't do much more down here than he had done locked in his cell. Mostly he sat and watched Melissa as she worked over notes and tests, enjoying the way she’d bite her lip when she was deep in concentration. He shook his head.
“Well, this new freedom comes with an ass kicking.” Juarez pulled a deck of cards out of his pock
et and held them up.
Dawson chuckled and gestured toward one of the metal tables outside his cell, far from Melissa so they didn't distract her. He took a seat as Juarez sat in the chair opposite.
Juarez shuffled and began to deal.
“So, how are you feeling?” he asked, sliding Dawson his last card.
They each picked up their hand and studied the cards. “Not great, but I’m glad you guys are trusting me again.”
“Reaper was just cautious,” Juarez said. “You can’t blame him. I mean you did work for Rainier.”
Dawson exhaled. “Don't remind me.” He really didn't want the reminder, because then he was faced with what Rainier was doing right now. How none of them were safe from him, and he still hadn’t told his team. If they were only just beginning to trust him then he wasn't going to tell them about Rainier until he was fully integrated into the team again.
“I think Reaper’s going to keep reminding you.” Juarez took two cards out of his hand and disposed of them to take two new ones.
“It’s not like I know much more than all of you.” Dawson stuck with his hand and waited for Juarez to turn over the next card off the dealer’s deck.
He felt guilty lying about Rainier, especially because they wouldn't believe he didn't know more. I mean, he’d been the man’s bodyguard for a year, he’d seen everything. But, he had to focus on getting well and gaining their trust back before he threw another burden into the loop.
“You mean that he’s a psycho?” Juarez turned over another card, looking back at his hand.
“I think even the common civilian knows that,” Dawson said plainly.
Juarez eyed him but Dawson remained focused on his cards. They definitely knew he was keeping information about Rainier, but they wouldn't push it. They’d let him adapt before bombarding him. He was appreciative for that—that his team cared about his well-being first.
“Alright, what you got?” Juarez said.
John turned over his pair. “An eight and a nine of clubs to go with the seven on the table.”
“Ah, damn.” Juarez threw his cards on the table. “You were holding out on me. That poker face is pretty good, Dawson.”
Dawson half-smiled and collected the cards, wondering if Juarez meant something else by that. He was glad to have another teammate back either way. He’d nearly forgotten what friends felt like.
The only true interactions he’d had since being here were with Melissa, Quantum, and Reaper.
Reaper had only been giving orders. Quantum was more like a pull on his mind, he may have been a friend, but it was deeper than that. And Melissa…he wanted so much more than friendship from her.
Melissa had Caroline and Reaper come to the lab with Charlotte in the afternoon once Reaper called her up to tell her they were ready for the blood drawing. She’d sent Dawson to the training facility with Quantum so they could do some light PT work together since they were both in need of rebuilding strength. Reaper had notified everyone to stay out of the vicinity of the lab for an hour. Neither Melissa nor Reaper wanted to get anyone’s hopes up about a cure in case it didn't work out.
The child was already crying before Melissa had even put a needle in her arm. It broke her heart to have to do this to the baby, and to Caroline and Reaper. If there was any other way, Melissa hadn’t found it and she didn't think she would. She prayed this would be the answer and that they could all go back to normal, the way it was before Project Mayhem—whatever that meant she didn't know.
“Okay, Reaper, can you hold her steady?” Melissa asked. Reaper had Charlotte swaddled in his massive arms, his muscles enveloping the tiny baby.
He gently tugged Charlotte’s right arm out of her mini plush blanket. Her bare arm was pale, full of baby rolls. Reaper straightened her little arm as much as he could and placed a finger gently on either side of the baby’s elbow. Melissa swabbed the inside of her chubby little arm. She was shaking and beginning to sweat now. She had never tested on a child before, let alone a baby. Sure, she did it on a regular basis to a bunch of grown men, and she had done it on mice and monkeys and other animals in the past, but a baby? This was new territory that she simply hated having to explore. If she had it her way she’d never stick a needle into another living being again.
Caroline stood next to Reaper and Charlotte, tears already filling her eyes as the baby continued to cry. Caroline sucked in a breath and quickly looked away from the baby before having a break down.
With Reaper’s fingers keeping Charlotte’s Roly-poly arm in place, Melissa gently placed her hand above his fingers, having difficulty locating the vein. She took a deep breath in before carefully pressing the needle inside. Caroline let out a sob, still not turning around from facing the wall. Melissa did her best not to register the mother’s emotions; she’d lose it if she felt the baby’s or Caroline’s, or even Reaper’s fear too much. She had to be steady and methodical for all of them.
The baby cried harder at the prick of the needle. Melissa blew out one large exhale when she saw the blood stream into the test tube, thankful she found the vein on the first try. Even Reaper had been holding his breath, his fingers shaking slightly. This was a monstrous man, a killing machine, a team leader, but the thought of his baby scared and in pain was clearly worse torture than he could have ever undergone from an attack.
Melissa patched the baby up quickly after collecting a sample big enough to create sufficient serum for all the men, should it work. Reaper handed her back to Caroline and Caroline kissed her over and over, smoothing the few wispy hairs on Charlotte’s mostly bald head. The baby had already started to settle down, regaining her breath and making small soothing cooing noises.
“I can’t thank you guys enough for letting me do this.” Melissa capped the sample and placed it on a metal tray near her monitor. “I know how difficult it is.”
“I really hope we don't have to do this again,” Caroline said, swaying the baby from side to side and dabbing at her eyes.
“If you can create the cure with this then it’s all the thanks we need.” Reaper put his massive arm around Caroline’s tiny shoulders.
Melissa nodded. “I might need a few days to get it right, but once I do I’ll have you call a meeting so we can go over the process for testing it.”
“Right.” Reaper scrubbed a hand down the back of his neck as he stood in the doorway. “And I mean it about being the test subject.”
“What?” Caroline turned to look up at her husband. “You can’t do that.”
“It’s for the team.”
“What about us?” Tears rimmed her eyes once more. It looked like she hadn’t slept all night. “You can’t make that decision right now. Have a meeting about it.”
“Maybe she’s right, Reaper.” Melissa faced them both. “Maybe you should see who else is willing. There’s no reason you should have to make that sacrifice before they’re even aware a cure exists.”
Normally Melissa wouldn't contradict Reaper, but Caroline was right. He had a family to think about and there was no reason he should have to fall on the sword just because he was the captain. There was no telling how this serum would take, and she’d already just put him through enough.
“We’ll see,” Reaper said. “You let me know as soon as you get it created.”
Melissa nodded. It was time to get to work and make Reaper and the rest of the men proud that she was their doctor.
Chapter 15
Dawson sat at one of the lab tables with Diggs and Hicks. The deck of cards was out once again. Dawson didn't do much other than stare at Melissa, some light PT in the training facility, on his own or with Quantum. And now he apparently played all sorts of card games—Texas hold ’em, poker, gin rummy, pinochle—the trust between him and his team slowly rebuilding.
“I fold.” Hicks slapped his hand of cards down on the table. “Hey, Doc, what have you been working away on over there?”
Melissa was right in their vicinity, but they clearly weren’t a distr
action. It was like she didn't even know where she was; she was so focused when experimenting.
Diggs glanced up from his hand when Melissa didn't answer. “Doc?”
“Huh?” Melissa looked up to see the three of them staring at her from their table. Her head had been down the whole time they were here as she scribbled notes.
“What have you been working on?” Hicks repeated.
Dawson stared at her until her eyes found him. He was honestly glad he still stayed down here in his cell, he loved spending as much time with her as possible even if she was absorbed in her experiments, watching her was enough for him.
“I’m out, too.” Dawson set his cards down.
Diggs rubbed his palms together and swept all the chips in the middle of the table toward him.
“Just doing an experiment,” Melissa said, before writing something else down on her notepad.
John had noticed she’d been working more intently than usual the last couple days. He’d been preoccupied with his few visits from the team, but ever since that day Reaper instructed them to stay out of the lab, Melissa had barely looked up from her computer, note pads, and test tubes.
“Let her focus.” Dawson grabbed the deck to shuffle. “Time for me to actually win a hand.”
Diggs chuckled. “Not if I have anything to say about it.” He had won every hand so far.
“Seriously, do you sit in your room at night studying cards?” Hicks joked.
“Just natural talent, man.”
“You wouldn't be winning so much if King were here.” Hicks scooped up his cards as John divvied them out on the table.
It fell quiet. King still hadn’t come to see Dawson. He’d been visiting with everyone else, rebuilding trust, almost having fun. But, King stayed away.