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Mayhem's Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5 Page 4
Mayhem's Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5 Read online
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Reaper rubbed his massive hand over the back of his neck. “Okay, just remember to take care of yourself, too.”
Melissa looked up with a small smile. She couldn't have one conversation with any of these men without them checking in on her health. They took orders from her and wanted to make sure she was well. If it were under any other circumstances, they wouldn't be such a bad group of friends. But right now they were acting like annoying over protective brothers. “I’m okay, Reaper,” she said. “I feel like I’m so close with this serum. I thought I had it the other day, but no such luck.”
“It’s too bad Caroline can’t start producing magical blood.” He chuckled.
Reaper’s wife, Caroline, was originally captured by the general, who was supposed to be her husband. Melissa shuddered at the thought of a wonderful woman like Caroline being married to that monster of a man. He took her to help make the serum in the first place. Well, not exactly “help” more like she was forced to be a permanent blood donor. Her blood was a key ingredient and she had been selflessly helping Melissa and the men out as a regular donor until she could come up with a cure for the serum.
“I’m so glad she’s fully recovered after such a hard pregnancy,” Melissa said.
Reaper shifted from foot to foot. “Yeah, she had me worried for a while. But you saved her, just like you saved us, Doc.”
Melissa averted her gaze, uncomfortable with the compliments. Of course she’d done everything she could to save them, it was her fault they were even here in the first place. “And how’s Charlotte doing today? I feel like I haven’t checked on her in forever.”
Reaper grinned. “Perfect. Happy and healthy. She’s definitely made some major changes to our status quo, but I love every second.”
“Even the sleepless nights?”
“Even those.” If it was possible, Reaper actually glowed talking about his new family.
“After everything you’ve been through, I can’t tell you how happy I am for you.”
“Thank you,” he said quietly.
The baby was a blessing, even if she did keep the men, with their heightened hearing abilities, up half the night screaming. They didn't need as much sleep as regular people anyway, so somehow it balanced out. She was a welcome new addition to the crew.
New. Fresh. Different. They’d needed that. The men needed to see they could have normal lives, and baby Charlotte was living proof.
The men had all bonded with her, just like she was their own niece or daughter. It was amazing how well she interacted with them, too. Like they were blood-related family members.
Melissa sucked in a sharp breath. Could it be because they did share a blood-bond?
Her mind raced with possibilities. Charlotte had both Caroline and Reaper’s blood and DNA—not just the blood used to create the serum, and not just the altered DNA of a soldier. She had both. A complete profile.
She looked up at Reaper, still leaning against the silver metal table, an easy smile on his face as he reflected on his daughter. But it was nothing compared to the look of pain in his eyes that was present every time Melissa had had to draw his wife’s blood to make more serum, even talking about it pained him.
His daughter could be the answer.
But could she ask that of him?
Chapter 7
Melissa had been back in the lab for almost five hours after giving Dawson his IV and parting ways with Reaper. She had been experimenting all day but John wouldn't stop infiltrating her thoughts. She eventually had to turn her computer monitor off where she could watch him in his cell—she had purposely chosen to work in a space of the lab where she wasn't face to face with his cell—because she couldn't go more than a few minutes without glancing up at him. Most of the time he was in there he paced or sat against the wall, but since she’d left him he’d been lying on his cot the whole time. He hadn’t suffered any side effects since, and even so, she’d be alerted if he did.
She had to focus on creating a new serum. She couldn't stop thinking about her realization about Charlotte, but she couldn't let that be the answer. Instead, she’d had a different unconventional idea around lunchtime, which of course she missed. Melissa pulled off her lab coat and examined the crook of her arm. Her arms were so much thinner now than they used to be. She didn't really notice how much weight she had lost unless her skin was exposed. Her flesh was almost translucent and her blue veins could be seen easily through the papery skin in her bony arms.
She pulled out a needle with a tube attached for blood collection. She ripped open an alcohol swab and wiped it across her arm, sending an antiseptic chill through her. Melissa inhaled deeply, and then she plunged the needle into her vein.
She gasped as her blood traveled through the tube and into the collection cylinder. One small sample was all she needed.
“Please work,” she whispered as she cleaned herself up.
With the rest of the serum mixed up, Melissa took her tube of blood over to the countertop and extracted a drop, letting it fall into the serum.
She had realized if none of her other chemical concoctions or elements worked, then maybe more human blood was the answer. Any blood other than that of a child. She had already been taking Caroline’s blood for the serum for over a year. Maybe, in order to make these men human again they needed human blood.
After Melissa mixed the serum with her blood, she set it over the proper heat and put her safety goggles back on. She watched it effervesce, holding her breath the whole time. But, after another few minutes the blend separated, her blood rising to the surface like vinegar in water.
She scratched her head. “That’s a weird chemical reaction,” she mumbled, still squinting at the glassware.
After all the mixtures she had made, they had never separated like that, they simply didn't work. Either turning too viscous—or not viscous enough—or not effervescing, or basically just not having any of the proper effects to create a stable bond. But this one visibly rejected her blood. She wondered if that meant it was just her blood being rejected or if it would happen with all blood?
A dull throb still permeated the top of Dawson’s skull the next morning. He had no idea how long he’d been unconscious but it seemed he was out the whole night from the sliver of light spilling through the ground level window around the corner.
When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Melissa kneeling on the other side of the glass. Diggs and Hicks were just behind her. He tried to lift his head off the pillow but he could hardly move.
He went to press himself up with his hands but noted the handcuffs restraining him. They’d been there the whole night since Reaper left?
“I have to give you an injection.” The sound of Melissa’s voice echoed off the walls in the glass room. She sounded quiet and far away. Too far away.
Dawson planted his feet on the floor and sat up. He was still muscular and lean but since being captured he’d become weaker and the effects on his body were only getting worse.
Diggs and Hicks didn't say anything to Dawson. They just stood there, keeping watch over him and making sure Melissa was safe in the presence of his monstrous tendencies apparently.
“I’m coming in.” Melissa reached for her key card but Diggs put a hand out to stop her.
“We’ll go in first,” he said.
“No, it’s fine.” Melissa avoided John’s eyes. She kept her voice down, like it would do any good. He could hear everything. His heightened hearing abilities and other heightened senses hadn’t left him, even if he hadn’t been on this exact serum for over a year.
His lips twitched at the realization that Melissa wasn't afraid of him. When she was in the vicinity this room didn't feel so cold; warmth penetrated through the hard exterior. He wished he could sit beside her without this wall between them. He wished he could talk to her alone—to see what she truly thought of him and if she even wanted to help him.
“Captain’s orders,” Hicks said plainly.
Melissa swiped her key
card, and Hicks and Diggs entered Dawson’s cell. He locked eyes with Melissa and didn't fight the men as they steadied his shoulders so that she could come in and do an examination and administer serum.
He didn't try to fight them off like he had when he first arrived at the compound and they locked him in this cell. He was stronger now than he had been then, only because he wasn't having seizures every second, but he also wanted to be let out of here, so he remained calm.
Dawson kept his eyes on Melissa’s face as he slowly reached his arms out to her. Diggs grabbed and stabilized his arm. Melissa looked up fleetingly, her green eyes landing on John’s. An electric current ran through him as she looked back down and placed her hand on the crook of his elbow. The sting of the needle she inserted into his vein was nothing in comparison to the vibration throughout his whole body.
She pulled the needle out, replaced it with a gauze pad, and applied pressure to his skin. She ripped off a piece of medical tape and pressed it over the gauze pad.
“I have to get back to work,” she said, quickly. “Take the cuffs off when you leave, they’ve been on him the whole night.”
“Let me check with Reaper.” Hicks held his wrist communication device up to his mouth.
“Just do it.” Melissa huffed. “That’s the rule, he’s cuffed for injections and examinations. When he’s in here alone it’s unnecessary.”
Diggs narrowed his eyes. John looked down to hide his small smile. She was fighting for his comfort and didn't think he was unsafe.
“Thank you.” Melissa headed for the door without meeting Dawson’s eyes.
Dawson didn't know if she was thanking him or if she was thanking Diggs and Hicks for protecting her from him. Hicks unlocked the cuffs and took them with him as he and Diggs headed out. The door locked behind them, Melissa had already rounded the corner to the lab.
Dawson was alone once more.
Chapter 8
It was almost midnight when Quantum snuck out of his room. He had just endured a bad headache, but he had been making progress with his health every day. He was closer to being able to walk on his own, though he definitely still needed the cane for support. Melissa had been working with him each evening, in addition to her monitoring Dawson, giving injections to the rest of the team, and still working on a cure for the serum. It was no wonder she never slept; they all gave her more work to do than there were hours in the day.
Quantum headed down to the lab. The rest of his team would be asleep right now, even if they were getting alerts about him leaving his room, they usually left his care up to Melissa.
She met him at the bottom of the stairs in the basement, of course still down here doing testing.
“What’re you doing up?”
Quantum leaned on his black cane. His dog, Trigger, was at his side as usual. Well, really, it was Audra’s dog, but Trigger pretty much stayed with Quantum. He was one of the reasons he woke up from his coma in the first place.
Quantum knew Diggs felt guilty for not saving him and Dawson that day they were overdosed by the general, but Quantum didn't blame him since he was unconscious, too. He was thankful that Diggs had brought his girlfriend, Audra, here and that now he had a companion like Trigger to put him at ease.
Quantum patted Trigger’s head and avoided eye contact with Melissa.
“Are you feeling okay?” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.
“I need to see him,” Quantum said, still avoiding her prying eyes.
“Quantum.” Melissa sighed. “You already broke the rules once before. Reaper would not be happy about this.”
“Please, Dr. Averton,” Quantum said. “I know the Dawson that we all knew is still in there. Just let me talk with him alone before the rest of the team interrogates him in the morning.”
Melissa looked at the floor, her arms falling to her sides. “Okay,” she said quietly. “But just for a few minutes.”
“Do you want to come?” Quantum pressed on the top of his cane in an attempt to stand up straighter. He saw the electricity between Melissa and John the last time they were all together. Quantum felt connected to Dawson in some eerie indescribable way, it was almost like he could feel what was being passed between John and Melissa, too. He felt they were the same, but Melissa was connected to him now, too.
“I have work to do,” she said quickly. “Alert me if you need me.” She headed back to the lab, but not before turning around and saying, “Obviously I don't need to tell you this because you don't have a key anyway, but behind the glass.” She stared at him with eyes made of stone.
Quantum nodded. “Of course.” He continued to half-walk half-hobble to the cell.
Quantum could tell Melissa was avoiding Dawson. None of them knew how to deal with him now that he was here, locked in their very mansion. But, Quantum hadn’t even been awake when they found this place. He’d been unconscious for months, and somehow it made him the only one who could relate to Dawson in any real way. He was in a coma when they all deemed Dawson a traitor.
Quantum limped up to the cell, propped up on his thick black cane. Dawson sat on the ground staring at him.
Quantum walked right up to the glass, looked at John’s tired eyes, and said, “What happened to you, Dawson? Why doesn't anyone trust you?”
Dawson had hardly slept since he was brought here, unless he passed out due to terrible headaches or pain. He didn't know what had happened to him or why Quantum was the only one who wanted to show him friendship or understanding rather than order him around with vengeance, but he was thankful for it.
“I don't trust them either.” Dawson stood up slowly and leaned against the opposite wall. His black military pants rode up around his carved waist.
Dawson didn't trust the men, but he was starting to wonder if he could trust Melissa in addition to Quantum. She cared about keeping him alive when she could have easily let him die, and that had to count for something.
She was down here at all hours of the night and day, just the two of them. Even while all the other men slept, Melissa was just around the corner. He could see her shadows bounce off the walls as she moved in the lab. He could hear her tinkering with test tubes and beakers. He could even sometimes hear her hum or whisper words of encouragement to herself. But, he never heard her eating or sleeping. Even though they might not have been on the same side at the moment, she was still his hope for getting better and he wished she’d take care of herself as much as she did everyone else.
He shook his head and focused on Quantum, leaning on his cane in front of the cell, looking exhausted. “But we’re all a team. I don't remember much, but I know we were in the lab together and Winters was working on us. Diggs was in the room, right?”
“Yeah, and he left us both for dead. I don't know why I ended up with Rainier and you ended up here, but something just doesn't add up.” Dawson looked up at the ceiling in contemplation. He wanted to trust Quantum. He seemed to be the only one he could trust, but he still wasn't sure. After all, Quantum was on the other side of the glass—free to roam about.
“I remember thinking I was dying,” Quantum said. “And I remember thinking Diggs and you were dying too, and I wanted to save you both.”
“I thought I was dead,” Dawson said. “Until I woke up and Rainier told me what happened.”
“What did he tell you?”
Dawson wondered if Quantum was trying to figure out if he was among traitors, too. How could either of them know who their supposed team really was when they were unconscious or captured? They were both in the dark and didn't know who to trust.
“He said that my team left me injured, and that he was the one who nursed me back to health. He helped me recognize my loyalty was to him.” Dawson realized it sounded curious as he said it. There was no way to know who was telling the truth, but after he had seen Rainier’s new lab just months ago, he realized he wasn't the hero he claimed to be either.
“But Rainier isn’t one of us,” Quantum cut into his thou
ghts. Dawson met his eyes. “All the guys said he completely misled everyone who was part of Project Mayhem. Including Melissa. He wanted to use us all. He lied about the purpose of the project in the first place.”
Dawson considered telling Quantum what he had discovered about Rainier, but it didn't seem right yet. Although Quantum was proving himself as loyal he didn't want to give anything away unless he was sure. It was the only information he had that his team needed.
Quantum was probably telling the truth and telling Dawson what he’d already suspected to be the case, once he found out how traitorous and vile Rainier really was. But he couldn't help the feeling of abandonment his team had left him with. Was everyone operating on their own agenda, wanting to use him for their own greed? That didn't sound like the old team he knew, but then why couldn't they understand him now?
“You know it’s true, I can tell,” Quantum said suddenly. “I almost…”
“Almost what?” Dawson might have known what he was thinking. He stood up straighter against the wall; Quantum remained where he was, his hand wobbling on his cane.
“This is going to sound weird,” Quantum said. “But I kind of feel like I can tell what you’re thinking?” He tried to switch his cane to his other hand but he had too much weight on it. Quantum used to be just as muscular and powerful as the rest of them, now he resembled a wilting daisy. His skin hung loosely over his bones.
Dawson stared at Quantum with intense blue eyes. He kind of knew what he meant. Dawson didn't feel comfortable obviously since his capture. He was in a cell, sitting on the ground most of the time, alone and angry. But, when Quantum was here he almost forgot where he was—like he was immersed in a shared mind with his teammate. It was strange and comforting at the same time. Maybe they had both suffered so much that it changed them somehow and fused their DNA together.
Dawson had been trying to hide his weaknesses, not showing anger or fear or pain, but he couldn't hide from Quantum.