Relentless River: Men of Mercy, Book 10 Read online

Page 16

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Calmly, as if she hadn’t spoken, Bo carried the tray to his dresser and set it down. “Doc said your wound would heal up quickly and you should be back on your feet within a day or two, but in order for that to happen you have to have the right kind of nutrition.”

  Cheri slapped the mattress and flung her head back, fighting to control her rising temper and losing the battle. “You haven’t let me get out of bed one time, you even carried me to the bathroom when I needed to go. I can walk and feed myself.”

  He picked up the spoon and stirred the soup, filling the room with the aroma of savory beef stew.

  Her stomach rumbled. Traitorous body. Now it not only caved to his touch, but his food too.

  “Whether the wound turned out to be superficial or not, you were shot.”

  “You’re acting like he shot me in the head.”

  Even with his back to her she could see her statement pissed him off. His shoulders went board straight, the tiny swells of muscles gracing his back popped.

  Cheri seized the opportunity and threw the covers off, swung her legs around and stood on her own two feet. Her side burned like acid on an open wound and she gasped involuntarily.

  Bo spun around, fury on his face. Before she could blink, he had her back in the bed, covers pulled up to her chin. “You pull a stunt like that again and I’ll—”

  “You’ll what? Spank me? I’d rather do that than be chained to this damn bed for another minute. I’m going nuts here. You won’t tell me about Lamont. You won’t tell me what you did with the money. You won’t even tell me if you’ve got Dupree locked up or if he’s out shooting up the town and terrorizing everyone.”

  “You really think Dupree would give himself away?”

  “No! Of course, I don’t. I’m going crazy here. I’m not used to sitting around. I need to do something. Please, tell me something.” She shoved the covers down to her waist. Bo’s heavy comforter felt more like an extension of his arm holding her to the bed.

  He went back to the stew, his steps as measured as his tone. “And why should I tell you anything when you didn’t tell me?”

  Cheri opened her mouth and then closed it. He had a point. Damn him. She had kept the knowledge of Dupree and Lamont a secret. But in her defense, she’d done what she’d done – which in hindsight was absolutely stupid – to protect her family. And if it came down to it, and she had to do it again or lose Lamont, she couldn’t say she would choose differently.

  Bo approached with the bowl in his hand and sat down on the edge of the mattress. He scooped up a portion and held it to her lips. “Eat.”

  She shook her head. How could he expect her to eat with this worry tying her stomach into knots?

  “If you don’t eat, I won’t tell you what I’ve learned.”

  “You’re blackmailing me with information?”

  “Call it more doing what it takes to get what I want.” He hadn’t moved the spoon.

  “Lamont?” She glared at him and took a bite, not tasting anything.

  “Bart’s tracking him right now.”

  “Are you going to arrest him?”

  Silence filled the room as Bo took his sweet time to answer her, leaving Cheri tense and trying to read his mind. If he did arrest Lamont – she paused. If he did, could she hold it against him after coming face to face with all of Dupree’s evilness?

  “Cheri.” Bo searched her gaze. “Lamont would be safer behind bars than out there with a man like Dupree gunning for him.”

  She let his words soak into her mind. Right now, Lamont was only alive as long as he stayed out of Dupree’s sights – but if her cousin was behind bars – Bo would watch over him and protect him. He’d protect her family. “Do you really think that?”

  Bo nodded slowly, as if he were nervous about her response to his thoughts. “I do. If he were inside, I could keep an eye on him.”

  “But prison is so dangerous.”

  “More so than Jason Dupree when he thinks Lamont stole his cash?”

  Her shoulders deflated, too tired to hold her up anymore. “No.”

  Bo placed the spoon on his bowl and cupped her jaw, his sincere gaze reached inside her and gave her a tight hug. “Do you trust me to keep you both safe?”

  She realized with a start that she did trust him. She trusted him with her life, and she could trust him with Lamont’s. “I do.”

  For the first time since they started the conversation, Bo smiled and her heart melted.

  “Well then, I think it’s time for you to eat and rest.” He picked up the spoon and held it to her lips.

  This time Cheri didn’t fight it, but took the spoon in her mouth and let him see the absolute pleasure on her face from the delicious stew.

  He watched her, his gaze locked on her lips. She swallowed, thinking about putting something else in her mouth besides the food. How could he do that to her with just a look?

  Bo’s light blue eyes darkened, lust making the planes of his face look harsher. Her heartbeat kicked up a notch.

  “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you want to be eating me instead of the stew.”

  “But I do.”

  His nostrils flared and she could practically smell his desire. Would he kiss her? Forget about the stew and just take her. She wanted him to do it, wanted his possession.

  The small ache in her side was nothing compared to the throbbing between her thighs.

  She felt like she was watching a machine. The lust in his gaze shut down. Bo dipped the spoon in the stew and held it to her lips again. “No. You need to rest.”

  So, he wanted to play hard to get? Hadn’t he realized she was a master at getting what she wanted? Cheri opened her mouth, waiting for him to make a move, and when he slipped the spoon over her tongue her lips closed around it and she slowly sucked the juices into her mouth.

  Bo swallowed and pulled the spoon free, only this time there was the slightest tremor in his movement.

  “You can stop right now. We’re not having sex. Not until Dr. Simmons clears you.”

  Her eyes widened; she stared at him in shock. “You’re kidding.”

  Bo shook his head firmly. “It’s too risky, you might open your wound.” He held out another spoonful for her, and she took it absentmindedly, mulling over her options to convince him otherwise. She could pull the loose T-shirt over her head; he seemed to really enjoy her breasts. But he might see the bandage which would remind him of her injury. Scratch the shock and awe plan of action. She’d have to be sneaky. Play dirty. “I’m tired. I want to lie down for a while. But I don’t want to be alone.”

  Bo frowned and sat the bowl on the bed stand, pressing the back of his hand to her head. “You feel like you’re running a fever? The wound could’ve gotten infected.”

  She quickly shook her head. “No, I swear I barely even notice it. It’s late. I think we’d both feel better if we got some sleep. Will you hold me?”

  Cheri bit her lip and stared up at him with what she hoped was an innocent hopeful expression, praying he couldn’t see the nefarious plans wheeling around in her mind.

  Bo cleared his throat and stood, his hard length straining against his pants. “I think I’ll let you have the bed to yourself. I don’t want to accidentally bump into you.”

  Liar. He wanted her. She would just have to remind him how badly. Bo turned to go, and she swiftly grabbed his hand. “No, I’m scared I’ll have nightmares. We don’t have to do anything, but I know I’ll sleep better if you’re here with me.” She looked up at him, laying it on as thick as she could without going over the top. “I just want you to hold me.”

  He sighed, the sound filled with defeat. It took all of her willpower not to grin.

  Bo went to the chair in the corner, sat down and pulled off his boots. Then he walked around to the other side of the bed and pulled back the covers.

  “What are you doing? You can’t sleep with a
ll your clothes on.”

  He sat down. “Yes, I can.”

  Stubborn man. “At least take off your shirt so it doesn’t irritate my skin.”

  His jaw ticked and he stared long and hard at her. Finally, when she started to think he’d guessed her game, he yanked his shirt over his head and laid down as far away from her as possible.

  Cheri reached out and flicked off the lamp, throwing the room into darkness. He had thick draperies over the window, the only light was the dim glow of the bathroom light escaping through the cracked door on the opposite wall. Cheri eased her shirt open and shrugged it off, leaving it lying on the mattress beneath her. As carefully as she could, she inched her way across the mattress, listening for any hint of movement from Bo.

  “Cheri, quit moving around before you hurt yourself.”

  She froze in the middle of the mattress. “Bo, will you hold me? I’m cold.”

  “Maybe we should call the hospital.” He rolled in her direction.

  “No, I swear, just put your arms around me. That’s all I need.”

  She turned on her side, facing Bo. His arms went around her, and she closed her eyes in pleasure as his hot, hard chest pressed against her sensitive nipples.

  “You sneaky devil,” he said, but he didn’t move away.


  “You’re gonna regret this,” he promised before his mouth settled over hers firmly. He didn’t try to seduce her, he took command, nudging her lips apart with his own and tasting her deep inside, a never-ending swirl of lips and tongues that left her clinging to him for support. She wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders, her fingers digging into the tight muscles as he slowly turned her onto her back and began kissing his way down her neck.

  The shifted position made her aware of her side once more, and as if he’d read her mind, Bo eased off her, hovering so their breaths mingled. Her stomach quivered, “Please don’t stop.”

  Bo looked down at her, and his burning blue eyes softened. “I couldn’t stop now if the house caught on fire,” he breathed out, and his mouth settled on hers once more. He took her lips in a feather-light caress, and when his tongue brushed her bottom lip, she opened to him, eager for him to come inside.

  Despite everything that had happened, despite the fact she’d lied to him and could have gotten them both killed, he still wanted her. She felt it every time he touched her, every time he’d fluffed her pillow and sat with her, there was an unyielding bond between them. A bond she never intended for them to break.

  Bo groaned into her mouth and began trailing butterfly kisses down her jaw, dipping down to the sensitive spot where her neck ran into her shoulder. Just as gently, he nipped her collarbone, and trailed down her sternum as his hands covered her breasts. Sweet heat rolled through her veins and her skin felt so alive, so in tune with his every move.

  “I was so scared I’d lost you,” he whispered, trailing his way over to flick her nipple with his tongue. “I’m never scared in life and death situations. I’ve always been able to keep my distance.”

  The sincerity flowing from Bo tapped into a deep longing inside her. She wanted nothing more than to cling to him like a lover, savoring the knowledge that he wanted her, needed her. That he loved her.

  His breath fanned over her skin and his lips closed over her nipple. She cried out, her body bowing instinctively. He lifted immediately, pinning her in place with a hard look. “Don’t make me stop now.”

  She tried to give him her sassy grin, but faltered completely. She didn’t want him to stop, not ever. “I need you,” she whispered breathlessly.

  There wasn’t any anger or teasing in his expression, just open adoration, when he said, “You think I don’t need you?” He nudged his hips forward, his cock settling against her core. Cheri fought the urge to close her eyes against the emotions his words evoked.

  “You think I didn’t almost lose it back there when I thought I’d lost you? I love you.”

  Straight joy shot through her chest and happiness raced through her veins. She took a shaky breath, his words almost too good to be true. But he’d held her off for so long. There’d been so many times he’d been cold and distant. After tonight, she’d thought he’d hate her, but everything in his expression rang with honesty.

  When she gave herself to him, there’d be no going back. Cheri didn’t give with half measure. She gave all of her being, and if she opened to Bo, she would hand him the ability to destroy her. Was she willing to miss out on this chance because she was afraid? Deep in her soul, she’d never felt good enough. Every man in her life had rejected her in the end. Her father. Her brother. Lamont.

  She’d managed to live through them all, albeit, a little bit tougher than when she’d started. But her thick skin stood no chance once she let Bo inside her heart. If he rejected her, she’d never survive him.

  “Cheri?” His eyes questioned her with an aching anxiety.

  He was scared, too.

  That realization sent her reeling with joy and she took the sensation in both hands and held on tight. “I love you too.”

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to get inside you. I’m going to take you slow and easy, I want to show you how much you mean to me.” His last words made her insides flip and tumble down the steep slope of liquid hot desire. She’d never had anyone look at her with such sweet honesty. The heat blooming inside her chest was almost painful.

  He dipped to her again, swirling a hot, wet tongue around her nipple. Never in her wildest fantasies had she dreamed she could love someone so much it hurt. Bo rocked against her, grinding the long length of his cock against her naked core. Her pussy clenched, his burning gaze raked her body and then he took her nipple fully into his mouth, sucking with shocking force.

  She screamed, unable to withstand the tidal wave of desire pounding her body. He swallowed her scream and ran his hand down her body, carefully skirting her bandage and diving between her legs. She gasped when he touched her clit. “I can’t stop thinking about how good you taste. I want to taste you again, but I don’t think I can wait this time.”

  “Don’t wait! I want you inside me. Now.”

  His finger plunged inside her, narrowing her world to that one spot.

  “Say it again.” His voice lashed at her, like friction against her skin, as he pulled out and plunged his finger in again.

  “I need you,” she gasped out.

  “Not that.” He demanded thean answer and shoved forcefully inside her.

  As he kept up that steady pace, she couldn’t think beyond the bundle of nerves tightening and tightening, leaving her dizzy with pleasure. “Bo!”

  He picked up the pace, fucking her with his fingers, his expression hardening as each second passed. “Tell me you love me. I want to hear the words.”

  His words were like a drug, and she clutched him, holding onto the only thing solid in her life. “I love you.”

  Tears pricked her eyes, and she dug her nails mercilessly into his shoulders. As the wetness trailed down her cheeks, Bo kissed each racing track away, stripping her bare, leaving her open and defenseless.

  “You taste so sweet. Like perfection. I can’t believe I ever tried to resist you.”

  Before she could respond, Bo shoved off the bed, shucked his pants and threw them across the floor. Then he settled between her thighs once more, lining up the head of his thick cock to her entrance. She knew from before just how big he was, how much he was going to stretch her, and the thought left her squirming. Slowly he eased into her, inch by torturous inch, pushing forward relentlessly. She bent her knees and planted her feet on the mattress, tilting her hips up just enough so she could take him fully, knowing she belonged to him completely.

  She reveled in their connection, savoring every burning sensation as he impaled her with his hard length. God, he stretched her so wide, wider than she’d thought possible. He was everywhere. On top of her, around her, inside her.

  “You’re so tight. So, fucking good.” Bo
squeezed his eyes shut and groaned, as tiny beads of sweat formed along his brow. “Tell me if I get too rough. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Cheri marveled at his restraint. She touched the ticking corner of his jaw as he fought for control. “I trust you. I know you’d never hurt me.”

  “Cheri, you undo me.” And with those low, sensual words he eased out of her, every nerve in tune with each fractional movement. She was stretched so tight, she couldn’t believe she hadn’t snapped in two. Bo eased back, sending shivers across her skin like wildfire. The bedroom fell away and it was just her and Bo as he possessed her thoroughly.

  Bo rocked into her with strong, yet gentle strokes, filling her with burning fullness. Each thrust drove her further toward the edge, and she writhed under him. She wanted to feel all of him against her, his smooth muscular chest brushing over her sensitive nipples, the taut lines of his abdomen against her belly, but her injury couldn’t take the pressure. God, she wanted more. She needed more. “Bo, harder!”

  He didn’t change up his pace, just kept up a rhythmic rocking until he’d eroded every last vestige of her resistance.

  She took all of him as he sunk deeper with every thrust, taking over her body and her soul. “I need more!”

  “Can’t.” Bo grunted as he thrust. “Won’t hurt you.”

  Knowing Bo would hold onto his precious control until he died, Cheri wrapped her hand around his nape and jerked his mouth to hers. His tongue delved between her lips, taking immediate ownership of her mouth. She melted beneath him, savoring every last touch. Bo kept up a steady rhythm, chipping away the rest of her soul until there was nothing left but him to fill it. As if sensing her weakness, he slid his hand between their bodies, his rough finger grazing her clit. Everything inside her contracted and then exploded, and she tumbled in a tangle of sensations headfirst into her orgasm.

  “That’s it baby, that’s it. Give me all of you.” Bo thrust inside her harder, she could sense him slipping. “I can’t wait.”