Mayhem's Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5 Page 11
Sometimes she envied her sister, Whitney. Whitney was the beautiful, daring, wild one. She didn't put pressure on herself over studies and she could get any man to fall for her. Whitney also harnessed jealousy toward Melissa for getting their parents’ undivided attention, but sometimes she didn't want to be the golden child who could save the world. Whitney had had a great job after all, before she ended up here with Hicks. She was smart and beautiful and didn't need to be a genius for fulfillment. They weren’t the same though, they were total opposites and Melissa wasn't happy unless she was working on something big. But, that didn't mean she didn't want a man’s attention too. So, she decided it was time to do something “wild” that year at Harvard.
Her boyfriend, Winston (he was as uptight as his name), took her to a very cordial dinner where they split the check, then they headed back to his house off campus. Melissa had even bought red lacy lingerie for the occasion, but Winston said nothing complimentary about her body or her beauty. He didn't want to rip her clothes off in the animal way that Dawson did the other night.
She shook her head and wheeled her chair back to the heat lamp. She took out a dropper to withdraw Charlotte’s blood from the test tube. She very carefully let one small drop fall into the beaker full of the other chemicals. She took a deep breath and sat to observe the mixture for a few moments.
Melissa dated two other men after Winston, once she went to grad school, and then afterward when she was working on her research project dealing with mice DNA. Both sexual experiences were only slightly better than Winston. She finally had her first orgasm with her third boyfriend and she felt genuinely comfortable with him. That was until he left her for a waitress with perkier breasts and cascading blonde hair. Melissa suspected he had been cheating on her before ending it, but she didn't have the heart to demand that answer. Truthfully, although she never had a man’s full attention before, they also never had her full attention. Everyone was second place to her research.
But, now these men were her research.
Especially Dawson.
She’d never thought she’d find a man unthreatened by her intelligence and work, who also looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
John had done both. She shoved her fingers through her hair and let out a moan.
She couldn’t be with John and think straight. And above all else, he needed her to think straight. They all did.
Melissa slammed her fist on the table. The serum reaction was taking too long, she had too much time to think.
Dawson. Just thinking about him made her skin tingle. He’d made her feel and she couldn’t shut it off. How was she supposed to save his life if she couldn’t focus?
“Doctor Averton?”
She whipped her head up to see Quantum standing in the doorway of the lab, leaning on his cane.
“What’s going on, Quantum?” She propped a hip casually against the beaten table and tried to snap her mind back on the present.
“You told me to meet you down here early this morning.” Quantum continued to lean for support.
Melissa looked at her watch. It was already 6 a.m. She’d wasted half the night dreaming about John. Dammit. She needed to focus on her calculations.
“Of course, sorry.” Melissa smoothed her lab coat, rubbed her burning eyes and shoved her glasses back up her nose. “I lost track of time.”
“You’ve been up the whole night?”
“It’s okay.” Melissa shrugged as she helped Quantum onto one of the exam tables. “I haven’t slept much in a year.”
“We all appreciate your hard work,” Quantum said. “Me, especially. I feel like I can almost walk on my own again. My wounds are almost healed.”
“That’s wonderful. Here, lean back.” Melissa eased him onto the cotton pillow.
“So how’s the progress with the serum going?”
Melissa really wished that Dawson hadn’t mentioned it in front of Quantum. She had told him in confidence, but those two couldn't keep anything from each other and definitely didn't want to.
“I’ve been working on it,” Melissa hedged mentioning that the cure was Charlotte’s blood.
“Good.” Quantum didn't press the issue, thank goodness. He lay back on the pillows as Melissa examined the underside of his knees one at a time.
“You aren’t kidding about being able to walk again,” she said. “This is fantastic progress, Quantum. I think from now on you should try to walk without your cane permanently. It will be a good exercise to push you to trust your legs fully.”
“I can do that.”
Melissa glanced up, met his gaze and her smile froze in place. Quantum stared at her, or through her was more like it. She couldn’t explain why, but she got the eerie sensation he was reading her every thought and emotion. The baby’s blood. Her inability to control the men’s symptoms. Dawson.
Quantum laid a warm hand over hers. “He’s good for you. You’re good for him.”
Melissa sucked in a breath. “How did you-?”
He shook his head. “I don’t know, but I do know you need each other.”
“I-I…” She stammered, “I can’t afford the distraction right now.”
“He’s not a distraction. He grounds you.” Quantum didn’t so much as blink, but she felt him. She felt his reassurance.
Maybe he was right. Maybe she could have both. Caring about Dawson drove her to try even harder to find the cure. She’d never been so emotionally devoted to a project.
Quantum continued, squeezing her hand slightly. “You know I’m right.”
Melissa jerked to attention, pulling her hand free and shaking it down at her side. “I don’t know that. I don’t know anything right now other than I have to find the cure and I can’t find it if I can’t focus.” She stepped back, not totally comfortable with whatever it was that Quantum was doing.
He gave her a crooked grin. “You don't have to be logical and methodical with this. Love isn’t logical.”
She sucked in a breath. Love?
Quantum swung his legs around the side of the table and eased himself off. He wobbled a bit when he got his footing, but he stood all on his own. In time, he’d be standing up straighter and building that muscle strength he’d lost right back. Melissa knew he could get there. If she could handle the injections, these men would be just fine. And maybe then she really could contemplate a life with John.
“I know you’ll figure it out, Dr. Averton.” Quantum slowly put one foot in front of the other. She didn't know whether he was talking about Dawson or the cure, or maybe both. “We’ve all been one long work in progress, but we can handle it. Especially John.”
Chapter 21
Dawson was on the upper level now with everyone else—part of the household. He had never had a room like this either. Growing up, John and Laura had the bare minimum from their parents. A small quaint home with parents who cared about them but not overtly so. It was one of the reasons Dawson joined the service. He wanted to make sure he had steady income, especially after having a daughter of his own. He also didn't feel like he’d be missing much by leaving their home. That, and he had always been strong, fast, motivated, and skilled. Even in high school, no one messed with Dawson due to his sheer intensity.
Now, he looked around at the king bed, the wooden window seat and desk, the walk-in closet. This room alone was practically as big as his first childhood home.
He peeled off his boots and sat at the edge of the bed, not entirely sure what to do with himself. He had wanted nothing more than to get out of his cell, but this was almost equally as boring, just more comfortable. Actually, it might have even been worse because now he wasn't near Melissa 24/7.
What did his team do everyday? Training and testing and having plans at the ready could only take so much time.
Then, there was a knock on the door. Dawson jumped up, not expecting visitors now that he was mostly allowed to mingle freely with everyone.
He slowly crossed the room,
wishing there was a peephole so he could be prepared. Of course, he was hoping it would be Melissa. He’d been thinking of her nonstop. Their incredible night, and then the way she turned so methodical after, calling him a distraction.
He opened the door to see King standing there. Dawson’s heart immediately leapt into his throat. His hand went to his waistband where he would have kept his gun, only he wasn't allowed any weapons in the mansion like the rest of the men. Was King here to get his revenge finally? Now that he wasn't locked in his cell anymore and he could see him face to face.
“Can we talk?” King asked.
Dawson’s shoulders relaxed slightly. After all this time, King actually wanted to talk? He wasn't sure they were ever going to be in the same room together again. The whole time Dawson had been in his cell, King would take a different hallway to the war room or training facility, he didn't come in the lab, not going near that part of the underground. Dawson knew that King pretty much lived with his daughter and, truthfully, he was glad that Faith had him. King was Dawson’s best friend before he had turned into whatever he’d become.
Dawson held the door open, allowing King inside, his gaze locked intently on King’s eye patch. How could he have done that to his friend?
King stood by the window, his hands in his pockets, his shoulders tense. He didn't take a seat in one of the many chairs or benches along the wall. “So,” he started. “I think it’s important we clear the air.”
Dawson nodded, standing several feet away from him. He crossed his arms, not able to stop staring at King’s eye patch. He had literally shot out his eye. Dawson didn't blame him for wanting nothing to do with him these past few weeks. He wondered if the other men put King up to coming to talk to him so that they could all be a united team again. The thought both made him happy and upset, because he wanted nothing more than to be a full team like they used to. But he didn't want King being civil to him unless it was sincere.
“I’m sorry,” Dawson suddenly blurted. “For everything. It wasn’t me. I want you to know that. You’ve always been there for me. I’m just—sorry.” He dropped his head and looked at the floor.
King said. “I believe that you believe that.”
“Shit, man. I don’t blame you, but I do meant it.”
King blew out a sigh, crossed his massive arms behind his back and stared out the window. “Laura and Faith believe you’re the old you. So does the rest of the team.”
“What’s it going to take to make you think the same way?” Dawson asked hesitantly.
King finally met his gaze, his one eye unreadable. “I don’t know.”
“So why are you here?”
“For Laura. And Faith. I wanted to know if I could see you the way they do.”
King held silent, staring at him wordlessly for so long that Dawson had to fight not to squirm. Shit. He’d done that to King, blinded him. How could he ever hope King would forgive him? Or even understand that he’d been different then?
“I’m willing to allow you to continue to see Faith and Laura as long as you are in this mansion, but I don’t believe you. There’s no way a man can change that much and come back.”
His blunt words knifed through Dawson, but he held his head high. He’d known on some level that King would never understand. He’d been a fool to even entertain the hope of their old friendship returning.
He nodded. “I understand.”
King crossed to the door, pulled it open and then glanced back over his shoulder. “I’m watching you.”
Chapter 22
Melissa called a meeting with the team in the war room. She had been running tests and mixing different doses of Charlotte’s blood with the serum for days, non-stop. Her body was hunched and she was dragging, but she finally had a vile that seemed like it would be the cure. All there was left to do was test it and see if it actually was the answer for the men.
So, as promised, she let Reaper know the news and they gathered all the men to discuss the next step.
Hicks, Diggs, Juarez, Quantum, and Dawson crowded around her among the rows of monitors and flat screen TVs along the walls and the control stations. King and Reaper stood further back, separate from the main group.
“What’s going on, Doc?” Hicks asked as they all waited for Melissa to speak. Her eyelids felt like there were weights on top of them, pressing down into the sockets. She wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed.
“I have some big news.” Melissa straightened. If anything could give her the energy to continue it was the fact that she may have just created the cure. “I have a new serum to test that could be a permanent cure.”
A few of the men sucked in sharp intakes of air.
Diggs let out a low whistle.
Juarez said, “Damn.”
Melissa found Dawson’s eyes among all the other men; he was looking right back at her. Her chest tightened. She wanted to curl into his arms and forget about the world right now, especially when she thought about actually having to test this serum next. The hard part hadn’t even begun.
“How’d you figure it out?” Juarez asked. He was usually the only one interested in learning some of the scientific details behind her research, though he still couldn't really understand everything she explained.
Melissa glanced at Reaper, silently asking permission to tell the team the secret to the new serum.
Reaper nodded at Melissa and said, “It was Charlotte’s blood. She has a mix of Caroline’s and my blood—which also means she has part of the serum already running through her veins, and the other part was used to create it.” Reaper looked at the floor, almost like he was ashamed at what his daughter’s blood was made of, and more ashamed that he exploited her for their benefit.
“Oh shit,” Juarez said quietly, shaking his head.
“This serum is riskier than any I have tried before,” Melissa said, before looking back at Dawson like she was talking only to him. She needed to explain this and get it over with, but she also needed to explain it to Dawson so he understood how risky the injection would be if he were going to be the test subject. “Because all the other serums I have experimented with still used Caroline’s blood. This is now new blood. Even though they are related, Charlotte also has blood that has been affected by the serum since she was created after Reaper was receiving regular injections.”
“Doc, I don't think Juarez has a high enough IQ to follow this,” Diggs joked, clearly trying to lighten the solemn wave that had washed over the room.
“Who’s the badass that knows how to utilize all the computer programs in this joint?” Juarez played along. “Your woman even said so herself.”
Diggs rolled his eyes. Reaper cleared his throat, letting the team know this was business, regardless of how heavy. Their lives were literally on the line.
“So,” Melissa continued. “I don't know what sort of side effects or repercussions there could be. But it needs to be tested on someone who has already been receiving regular serum doses.”
“It has to be one of the team,” Reaper clarified.
“Right.” Melissa pushed her glasses farther up her nose and looked at the floor. “Reaper, I know you said you’d test it, but I have to let you know that Dawson and Quantum have volunteered to be the test subjects, too.”
The other men in the room turned to look at Dawson and Quantum, who were standing next to each other. Dawson looked more alive every day, especially being out of his cell now, but that was only due to the fact that he was getting way too many serum injections. His state was completely temporary if something didn't change soon.
Quantum was able to stand and walk without his cane for days; he was standing up straighter and gaining weight back. Now, with all their individual progress, Melissa might have to knock them down again. This was terrible.
“You don't say.” Reaper took a seat in one of the computer chairs in front of a row of screens. He glanced behind him to the monitor showing the door to Dawson’s new
room, before glancing at Dawson and Quantum themselves. “Can each of you tell us your reasoning?”
Dawson and Quantum exchanged a look, another one of their silent messages. Melissa got that eerie buzz. Quantum then made a motion with his hand, his palm facing up, like he was telling Dawson to go first.
Dawson glanced around the room, cleared his throat, and said, “I need to prove my loyalty to all of you. I screwed up and I need to make it up to you. So, if this serum has bad side effects I should be the one to take the risk.”
The rest of the men stood in silence as they assessed Dawson and his statement. “How do we know that you aren’t just trying to get cured so you can go back to Rainier?” Reaper said.
Melissa’s eyes widened. The men couldn't have possibly thought that Dawson was still loyal to Rainier after all this time, could they? More likely this was Reaper testing John.
Dawson clenched his fists, before exhaling. “I guess you don't.” He straightened up. “But you are my team, and this is where I belong. Helping you.”
“None of us believe you want to go back to Rainier,” Diggs said.
Dawson’s jaw clenched. He glanced at King, his face unreadable. Melissa caught the glance, something off triggering warning bells in her mind. When no one else backed up Diggs, Melissa jumped in. “What about you, Quantum? Why do you volunteer to be the test subject?”
Quantum glanced at Dawson, giving him a reassuring smile. “I think Dawson has been through enough. He can be a real asset to the team, but I’m can’t. I might have made progress, walking on my own now, but I’m way behind the rest of you. So if anything went wrong at least you wouldn't be losing an asset.”
“Absolutely not.” Reaper stood up abruptly and smacked his palm on the countertop. “You are not to think of yourself that way. Any loss on this team is a loss and we have taken too many of those lately.”